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Navigate the complex world of link buying legality and learn the truth about its potential risks and rewards in our comprehensive guide.

Telecom Companies Lobby Montana for Lower Property Taxes, “Let Homeowners Pay Instead”

Telecommunications companies and the oil industry are lobbying the Montana Legislature to lower their assessed property taxes, shifting tax collections away from themselves and towards homeowners and small businesses. Members of the Montana Legislature’s Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee are

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Tagged with: homeowers, middle class, small business, taxes, telecom
Posted in Economy, US

Cantor Offers President Alternative to Punishing American People in Sequester

If you have been wondering why the government is cutting essential jobs, furloughing homeland security employees, and letting illegal immigrant criminals free instead of cutting from the billions of dollars of wasteful spending that have already been identified, you’ve got

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Tagged with: EPA, Eric Cantor, free cell phones, government waste, President Obama, Sequester
Posted in Economy, US

Editorial: President Misses Opportunity to Lead, Blames the Republicans, and Punishes Americans

When the last minute talks with Democratic and Republican leaders from the House and Senate failed to produce a compromise,  President Barack Obama failed to provide the steady, guiding hand of a true leader. Instead, he told a press conference that

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Tagged with: blame game, Presiident Barack Obama, Sequester, spending
Posted in Economy, US

Economics 101 for America: The Lessons the US Refuses to Learn

The often repeated quote from Santayana comes to mind more frequently than ever these days: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” That the American government is forgetting the lessons of history is true in

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Tagged with: economy, entitlements, flat tax, government spending, Greece, Obama, poverty, Sequester, Steve Forbes
Posted in Economy, US

Failure to Lead: President, Congress Fail to Stop Spending

While Washington was deadlocked over a solution to the fabled fiscal cliff, it became clear that there is a shocking lack of leadership in the nation’s capital. In the final hours before the 112th US Congress ceases to exist, a

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Tagged with: compromise, Congress, fiscal cliff, Obama
Posted in Economy, World

Swiss Intel Agency Warns US, UK about Huge Data Breach

Secret information on US and British counter-terrorism strategy may have been stolen and sold to foreign governments by an employee of Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB), Switzerland’s intelligence service. While it is common for the US, UK and some members of

Tagged with: Britain, data breach, Switzerland, US
Posted in Economy, World

How Many More New Financial Scandals?

Is it my imagination, or does every week bring news of another financial scandal? No, it’s not my imagination. First up: Peregrine Financial Group. This long-running fraud, which has apparently been going on almost as long as the Bernard Madoff

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Tagged with: economy, Financial crisis, New York Times, scandals
Posted in Economy, US

Wall Street’s Immunity: DC’s Unholy Alliance with the Banks

Why has the Obama administration so aggressively protected the financial industry from legal accountability? Of all the ignominious actions of the Obama administration, the steadfast, systematic shielding of Wall Street from criminal liability is probably the most corrupt in the

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Tagged with: DOJ, Goldman Sachs, , Mitt Romney, Obama, Occupy Wall Street, Wall Street
Posted in Economy, US

Opium is the New Gold Standard in Afghanistan

KABUL, April 5 (Reuters) – Opium is emerging as a new gold standard in Afghanistan, where traders and farmers are hoarding the drug as a source of ready cash to hedge against the risk of a power vacuum when foreign

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Tagged with: Afghanistan, heroin, opium, poppies, Taliban
Posted in Economy, Middle East

New Job Numbers Tell 1/2 the Story

There ’s good news and bad news.  The new job numbers are out, and on the face of it, things look like they are getting better. Unemployment, they say, is down from 9.0 to 8.6. That’s good, right? But wait

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Tagged with: economy, Gerarddirect,, jobs, unemployment
Posted in Economy, US