About Us

GerardDirect.com is a private news website based in the United States. We are dedicated to giving our readers news and original analysis about important global and local issues that the mainstream media typically ignores.

Our sources are local press reports from around the world, and non-public reports from a large global network of GerardDirect contributors, who provide on-the-ground, real time information to support or dispute open source accounts of breaking news.

Our mission is to provide articles, analysis, and opinion that will promote intelligent conversation among our readers about the important issues of our time. We believe that the polarization of American opinion can only be mended through thoughtful discussion in which we can learn from each other and build firm  of understanding to overcome the divide.

The website is run by an all-volunteer staff who give their time and devotion to the cause of bringing our readers a fresh perspective on world events.

GerardDirect is funded through contributions from readers and supporters of our mission.

In a statement of general principles:

  • we support the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights,
  • we support America’s  traditional allies, including Israel, and the continued strengthening of alliances between our nations as national policy
  • we take a strong position against terrorism, wherever it rears its ugly head
  • while we cannot control the language of articles we print from other sources, in all the commentaries which are generated in-house, our positions are clearly stated without the use of euphemisms and politically correct misnomers.

GerardDirect is updated regularly. Our readers may subscribe to NewsAlert, which highlights our newest articles. NewsAlert is published twice a week or when there is important breaking news.

All of our readers are invited to bookmark our RSS feed on the homepage and visit our site often to keep up on the latest news and analysis.

About the Editor

Ilana Freedman has been an intelligence analyst, working in the fields of Business and Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Analysis for more than twenty-five years. Trained in Israel, where she lived for sixteen years, she has become a thought leader in her unique approach to intelligence analytics.

Ilana uses a proprietary collaborative method of analysis that harnesses high-level, inter-disciplinary expertise to acquire, synthesize, and analyze large, complex intelligence streams quickly and accurately. The process delivers actionable business and security intelligence to corporate clients in real time.

For more information, please contact ilana